Actors Rowan Atkinson
Directed by Nicolas Roeg
Genres Horror
writer Roald Dahl
Why? Come up with something new. Its made pretty evident by the ending that her spirit is not at rest. Now the movie is very ambiguous but I've just watched it and this is what I observed: First of all the photo of her at the end is the same one the brother edited, even in the original (that they show you throughout the movie) she's just sitting there. Now you could call it a plot hole but I also think it ties into the theme of the movie. That theme is her being ignored/not known. The theme of her being someone no-one really knows is brought up time and time again. First of all her mother doesn't know her which is actually made explicitly clear but then neither does her boyfriend, her friends, father or brother. In fact, her best friend says something to the effect of maybe we all knew a different Ally. This continues in her death. Her family tries to uncover what happened but they don't really succeed. Think about it, what don't we know: 1) How she died. We are never told and its never explained how she died. She was swimming in a lake where the water was completely still, there's no mention of any investigation over her death. It actually struck me straight away, you'd usually expect some suspicion, some lines of inquiry but there's nothing. That seems so crucial but its just never addressed. 2) What the nature of the relationship between Alice and her neighbors was. Yet again this investigation dries up and then we're just supposed to accept that its all done and no longer a concern. 3) Why was she seeing apparitions of her death and not just her, she literally filmed the apparition and its confirmed to be her. Its just baffling how downplayed this is in the movie, they literally have footage of a girls own ghost taken at the time she was still alive. We get back to back shots of her corpse and this photo and its evidently her but apparently no one really cares. There's even more in the story which is left somewhat ambiguous like why she really buried her jewelry but fundamentally we don't actually know anything about her either. We aren't told anything specific about her personality other than the fact she liked to keep secrets. Everything that is said about her is just stuff that people observed before her death and its very general like she was well liked. Right at the end of the movie we have a scene which I think emphasizes this very much and also makes a point of the fact Alice is still not resting and in fact she is just being forgotten about yet again, her mysteries continuing. June goes back for one more meeting with Ray, in this scene we have Alice's meeting spliced in between. It is heavily implied that in her meeting Alice was seeing the future (as she apparently has the power to do. Alice says someone is coming to her door, June says she's going towards Alice's door. Ray tells June to go inside and she does reluctantly, Alice says her mother has come into the room. Ray asks Alice what her mother is saying, she says she's not saying anything, she doesn't know I'm here. Ray asks June what's in the room, she says nothing. Alice says her mother is leaving, June wakes up and looks at Ray. Straight after this scene we have the family leaving the house and putting the past (and Alice) behind them. They say the house feels calm, that they can be a family again and just generally imply they're moving on. We even see her brother and mother sitting on the bench in their garden laughing, the same one Alice's ghost appears on in the photo. After this we have a series of photos showing that Alice was watching them the entire time but no-one noticed these in the videos or pictures. The only things anyone noticed were forgeries, her brother at the lake (not her) other people in the footage, but they never noticed her. No one knows this girl seemingly, she was well liked and loved (supposedly) and yet no-one knows a damn thing about her and no-one seems to care all that much. Sure her family are upset overall and get angry/sad when they find the footage of her fucking the neighbors. They wonder about why its there but not really. They don't try to look for the truth, they just want to satisfy their own sense of moving past it. The father does this straight away with work and Alice literally confronts him as a ghost to try to get him to look into it more, which somewhat catalyses the story but then it still ends unsatisfying. No-one ever seems to look for the truth in this movie. Everything connected with Alice is completely unsolved and yet everyone just moves on like it has been solved. Sure, we find out some more information about her but we still don't really know who she is or what happened to her. We just know a bit more about the events leading up to her death. Its heavily implied, by the ending of the movie, that Alice still isn't at rest and that she's actually just been forgotten or the family have moved on without her. Part of that is moving from the house which also gives the impression she will just remain in the house waiting for someone to actually solve her death. Now look, I think this could be just bad writing or it not being fully formulated before it was finished I don't know. But there really is so much ambiguity about her death and we never find out anything about it. We find out she kept secrets, had sex with her neighbor, buried some stuff and saw visions of her own death. What does that actually tell us about her death? Nothing and yet the film ends and the family move on. Seems to me the whole point of the movie was Alice trying to figure out why/how she was going to die and prevent it (burying her stuff, going to the medium etc.) and then dying anyway. Then she tries to haunt her family so they'll find out but they ignore her and move on. Also, I noticed it seems like there's a somewhat abandoned, or just extremely vague, implication that her brother murdered her. He's the last one to be with her, in the water where she died, he mysteriously gets bruises all over himself at one point and this is never explained (was she attacking him for what he'd done. He doctors the footage for his family, which is clearly something he plans as he starts getting more into photography right after her death. Whatever the reason is for this, or why he would want to be able to do it or to convince his family they were being haunted he also doesn't see the real haunting that is occurring in the photos. To me it seems like a interesting movie but I think the reason it never really saw that much success is because of all of this ambiguity. Its either not made that well or its made with so much subtly I was unable to find everything whilst specifically trying to. Either that or they intended to make a sequel which would explain more. Think about what you actually watched and it just feels kind of empty to me. Way more questions are posed than that are answered and yet we're supposed to accept that everything is finished in the families eyes yet clearly its not from the ending. Even the movie seems self-aware that the mystery is still yet to be solved (Alice remaining in the house) and yet the family move on as if it is. If anything this movie just gives the horrible message that if you die under extremely mysterious circumstances no one, not even your own family, will care enough to try and figure it out before running away from where it all happened.
I like they way they substitute ‘reimagined for ‘dont have any new ideas so we stole an old one. Damn went with CG instead of practical effects thats disappointing.
Im a simple person, I see either Anne Hathaway or Stanley Tucci and Im sold. Free Online The Witches Movie site internet. * them being scared of every single little thing in the woods* the squirrels : lol look at them wierdos. Free online the witches movie sites. I'm more confused with this, than the WandaVision trailer. Free Online The Witches Movie site map. Another great vid Ryan 👏 I somehow missed the Witches despite loving Dahl as a kid, now I really want to read it! The book that disturbed me most as a kid was also my favourite: Beowulf by Charles Keeping. Keeping illustrated the book himself and those drawings haunted me for years 👻. I rewatched this movie last year and wow, I really didn't remember it was so terryfing hahahha. It used to be on tv all the time here in Brazil. I've never knew that the witchs had german accent before this last view, it's a detail that got lost on the voice over.
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Weve been tricked, weve been backstabbed and weve been quite possibly, bamboozled.
2:15 I love the reaction of The Grand High Witchs (former) assistant here. Shes probably thinking, “Damn, did I dodge a bullet!”.
0:59 “I killed Spider-Man.” Thanos: “Impossible!”
Free Online The Witches Movie site web. The original was back in 1990, I was 8 years old. My dad took me to see the movie... I am still traumatized by the witches when They took their skin off and showed how They really looked like 😅. Free Online The Witches movie site. Are give us a hint that they will buy Warner Bros Or Just a mistake LOL 😂. Marvel Interviewer: Why we should we hire you Unemployed guy: I've always wanted to be a comic book artist 1:14 Interviewer: Seriously. . @ 2:00 The mouses are signifying See no evil, Hear no evil and Speak no evil. The choice to use “Room of Angel” as the background music made this video that much better. And its already a fantastic video.
Free Online The Witches Movie site design. I wish that you went back during daylight to see what the hanging baby thing was. I don't know, the makeup from the original Grand Witch, was amazing, one of the thing that made the movie so good for me when i was a kid. Free online the witches movie site. Egh to much CGI and from the looks of they dont transform in to ugly witches she just fly I dont like it. That scene when Alice encounters her own corpse is one of the most terrifying scenes I've seen in cinema.
This I would show my 8 year old daughter, now the original Ill think twice before doing it. The original is still the best. I saw this movie 12 years ago, when it came out. To this day, I never forgot the scene where Alice sees her own corpse. It was eerie, chilling, and unsettling in a way I wasn't expecting. I guess one of the reasons is that the movie sweeps the rug under you so often. We're so used to accepting the supernatural in a movie like this that the pictures of Alice created by the brother I immediately took as proof of the supernatural. But when that belief is taken away and they focus on the neighbor, I assumed it was going for a real killer route and the supernatural was a red herring. But then that fucking scene. It's not just the content within, but the context where it was placed. in any other horror movie it might not have been that scary, but after what we had seen up until that point, it was a punch in the gut.
“mArVeL NeW WaRrIoRs” Dont think we would forget about that
Dam if this was fan maid it was really good I hope we get something just as good as this 😊👍. When they started talking about the shadow man I heard what sounded like someone rubbing they're hands together in my room.
The Invisible Man